Tuesday, May 19, 2009

History of TV

Television Development - 100 Years at a glance
1880s to 1899
Period of Dreams, Concepts and Initial Discoveries
The word "Television" is first used
1922 to 1927
Early Experiments with a MECHANICAL scanning disc system. TV Picture is neon orange and very small.
1928 to 1934
First Mechanical TV Sets sold to public -- At the peak, 42 US stations were in operation using the Jenkins system. However, picture quality is lacking. Not suitable for commercial use. Electronic TV offers greater promise.

1926 to 1935
Early Experiments with All-Electronic Cathode Ray Television (the basic system we have today)
1935 to 1941
Electronic (Experimental) TV begins broadcasting in Germany, England, Italy, France, USA, Holland, etc.
Early 1940s
Work begins on CBS Mechanical Color Television
July 1, 1941
Electronic (Commercial) Black & White Television begins broadcasting in United States

1942 to 1945
World War-II halts all TV sales and most all public broadcasting.

Late 1946
First American Post War TV set is RCA 630-TS (Less than 7,000 TV sets in USA, pre WW-II)
June 25, 1951
First Mechanical Color Television Set Placed on Market (CBS-Columbia) at $499.95.
Oct 20, 1951
Mechanical CBS Color TV Broadcasting ends forever
May 1954
First All-Electronic Color Television Set is RCA CT-100, selling at $1,000

Japanese demonstrate ANALOG high-definition TV system (called MUSE)
General Instrument's Video Cipher division announces DIGITAL Hi-Definition System
Congress Passes the Telecommunications Act of 1995, replacing the old 1934 laws
Late 1990s
Internet, World-Wide-Web explodes onto the scene -- ushering in new global communications for the 21st century!

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